a true passion for color...
« Color is my daily obsession, my joy, and my torment. » wrote Claude Monet, but his
descendant Françoise Cauvin, born just a few months before the death of this giant of French
painting, would unfold the course of her life in a different way, making color nothing but joy and
Not making art a profession but painting or drawing every day. Not seeking to
achieve the impossible, but cultivating her gift for drawing and playing with the infinite palette of
colors. Grasping life, the beings dear to her, but also strangers or all those creatures that surround
us, charm us, or surprise us.
Françoise Cauvin never exhibited but created more than 4,000 drawings and paintings:
portraits of men and even more of women, abstraction and patchwork of colors where figuration or
symbolism slip in here and there, circus characters, dogs, cats, chickens or giraffes... Small works or
large ones, simple pencil strokes or paintings filled with chromatic nuances or matter, collages and
obsessions... Françoise wanted to be free and sought in no way to equal the master. Her creed was:
not to ignore her talent, to take pleasure in it, and to make us smile.
She would never have imagined being exhibited one day at the Musée du Luxembourg or Marmottan;
never did she think even once of using her family name to make a name for herself or seeing,
beyond her house, her own works exhibited with those of those she admired so much. Being an
artist was not a status but a transcendental gift, the talent to put on canvas or paper your feelings and
Françoise Cauvin at the Luxembourg Museum - 2023
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