the work of a life, highlighted...
painting, imagining, creating... were the only concerns of Françoise Cauvin. In 2023, in a spirit of sharing, her daughter
decided to bring her artistic life to light.
In 2023, the works of Françoise Cauvin were unveiled for the first time in a public institution through an exhibition titled "Léon Monet, frère de l'artiste et collectionneur" at the Musée du Luxembourg, Her works were displayed alongside those of a family of artists and notable figures (from March 15 to July 16, 2023 - exhibition has ended).

In 2024, Françoise Cauvin’s Self-Portrait was added to the collections of the Institut de France, joining the world’s largest collection of Claude Monet’s works at the Musée Marmottan Monet (

In 2025, exclusive works of hers were introduced in two exhibitions in Paris : the first at the Clavé Fine Art gallery (from February 14 to April 5, 2025), and the second at the Musée Marmottan-Monet (from March 4 to March 27, 2025) :
Françoise Cauvin-Monet (1926-2017), la couleur en héritage.

Vernissage le jeudi 13 février 18h-21h
Clavé Fine Art
Françoise Cauvin-Monet (1926 -2017) - La couleur en héritage
du 14 février au 5 avril 2025
10 bis, rue Roger 75014 Paris
Horaires : du mardi au samedi, de 11h à 19h, et sur rendez-vous.
The future events will be announced on this site or via email if you wish to receive
invitations by sending an email to :
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