Francoise CauvinFrancoise Cauvin


the work of a life, highlighted...

Drawing, painting, imagining, creating... were the only concerns of Françoise Cauvin. In 2023, in a spirit of sharing, her daughter decided to bring her artistic life to light.

In 2023, the works of Françoise Cauvin were unveiled for the first time in a public institution through an exhibition titled "Léon Monet, frère de l'artiste et collectionneur" at the Musée du Luxembourg, Her works were displayed alongside those of a family of artists and notable figures (from March 15 to July 16, 2023 - exhibition has ended).

In 2024, Françoise Cauvin’s Self-Portrait was added to the collections of the Institut de France, joining the world’s largest collection of Claude Monet’s works at the Musée Marmottan Monet (


In 2025, exclusive works of hers were introduced in two exhibitions in Paris : the first at the Clavé Fine Art gallery (from February 14 to April 5, 2025), and the second at the Musée Marmottan-Monet (from March 4 to March 27, 2025) :
Françoise Cauvin-Monet (1926-2017), la couleur en héritage.

Vernissage le jeudi 13 février 18h-21h

Clavé Fine Art
Françoise Cauvin-Monet (1926 -2017) -  La couleur en héritage
du 14 février au 5 avril 2025
10 bis, rue Roger 75014 Paris
Horaires : du mardi au samedi, de 11h à 19h, et sur rendez-vous.

The future events will be announced on this site or via email if you wish to receive invitations by sending an email to :

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« When you look, never think about what the painting (or anything in this world) “should be”, or what many people would like it to be only. Painting can be anything. It can be a burst of sunlight in a storm. It can be a storm cloud. It can be a person's step on the path of life, or, why not ? a foot striking the ground to say “enough”. It can be the soft and hopeful air of early morning, or the sour smell that comes from a prison. The bloodstains of a wound, or the song of an entire people in the blue or yellow sky. It can be what we are, what is today, now, what will always be. I invite you to play, to look carefully...
I invite you to think. »
Antoni Tàpies

by Françoise Cauvin-Monet

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To obtain the catalog of gallery exhibitions
Françoise Cauvin-Monet, la couleur en héritage
Clavé Fine Art 2025
mail to :

(71 pages: €20 + shipping costs)
Françoise Cauvin-Monet_Catalogue