Francoise CauvinFrancoise Cauvin



« Canvases are the pages of the painter's personal diary. »
Zao Wou Ki

Françoise Cauvin Monet's work is sometimes delightful and simple. Like Raoul Dufy, who is also from Normandy, she claimed the simplicity of representations and the search for the purification of all things that surround her. « What I wanted to show in my painting is how things and life are, as I see them and feel them in my heart » declared Raoul Dufy. These words could be Françoise Cauvin's. Was she interested in fashion? She drew it. Was she pregnant? She drew pregnant women. Did she go to Morocco? She painted Morocco. Everything is an opportunity to pick a sheet of paper, a pen, or to open a box of watercolors...
Sometimes she drew what she was not, as if she wanted to free herself from her desires. Sometimes she cast a benevolent and almost flowery look at the world. But sometimes she mocked... and then she was merciless.


« One should always do things right the first time with a certain lightness. »
Raoul Dufy

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Françoise Cauvin

« Lightness is the most beautiful thing. »
Christian Boltanski

« To paint is to make an image appear that is not that of the natural appearance of things but has the force of reality. »
Raoul Dufy

Mixed media
Françoise Cauvin-Monet

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To obtain the catalog of gallery exhibitions
Françoise Cauvin-Monet, la couleur en héritage
Clavé Fine Art 2025
mail to :
(71 pages: €20 + shipping costs)Françoise Cauvin-Monet_Catalogue