Francoise CauvinFrancoise Cauvin



« Handling colors and lines, isn't that true diplomacy ?
Because the real difficulty is precisely to harmonize all of that. »
Raoul Dufy

Françoise Cauvin-Monet created a series of works that would please cubist movement enthusiasts
of the early 20th century. A mix of abstract and figurative representations, distorted, shattered, and
reforged with a true emphasis on geometric architecture: a kaleidoscope of elements. Colors
embrace distinct forms that overlay underlying ones, thus creating a new dimension without
eclipsing the older.

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Françoise Cauvin
« I think of nothing when I paint. I see colors: I paint, I enjoy transporting them as I see them on my canvas. They arrange themselves haphazardly as they please; sometimes it makes a painting. »
Paul Cézanne

Figurative abstraction
by Françoise Cauvin-Monet

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Françoise Cauvin
Figurative abstraction
by Françoise Cauvin-Monet