the Normandy coast as a family home...
Léon Monet's granddaughter, Françoise Cauvin-Monet, was born on September 9, 1926, into one of those families, that might be called "19th-century bourgeois", yet whose fortune was not so much the result of a name,
rank or heritage. Rather, it was from the industrial revolution that opened up prospects for
those who knew how to seize the opportunities created by the technological and scientifi c
upheavals of the time. When the two young Monet brothers arrived at their aunt’s house in
Normandy - while Claude was bored at school and dreaming of the life of an artist - Léon, the
elder brother, was a grocery shop clerk before taking an interest in chemistry and then joining
a Swiss chemical company as a sales representative, which was developing in the dye, pigment
and textile markets.
« Color » then entered the Monet family !

Léon Monet, Françoise’s grandfather, was one of the fi rst entrepreneurs to ride the wave of
industrialization and who had the intelligence, the talent and the idea to develop these fl ourishing
industries, quickly putting their families out of business while obtaining the recognition of
their peers. A family from the land, but from a very fashionable one, the antechamber of a
Paris that was not at the time as prized as it is today. Léon and Claude Monet were therefore
born in Paris, but quickly and permanently settled in the Normandy region, from Le Havre to
Rouen, and more particularly in Maromme for Léon Monet and his family, who made his large
house the cradle of several generations.
Louise Monet, Françoise’s mother, is Claude Monet’s niece: art and painting are therefore
at the very heart of the family, intrinsically linked. On the one hand, Léon was a collector,
supporter and friend of artists in the region, and on the other hand, Claude Monet, who would
become the master that everybody knows and who would tip French art into a new era: that of
modern art, which would mark the break in every respect with the academic art known until

Léon & Claude Monet
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