« Drawing is not the form; it is the way of seeing the form. »
Edgar Degas
« Each animal is nothing but a bundle of joy. »
André Gide
From prehistoric times to the present day, portraying animals has been a constant source of
inspiration for artists, and Animal art has always been an inexorable part of art history. Françoise
Cauvin gave animals a significant place in her work: they either take on the leading role, playing
freely with shapes and colors, or subtly appear in her abstract or figurative creations. The bird
becomes a hat, the mice dance, the dog mocks...
Françoise also explored animal symbolism, and more specifically the concept of man-animal or
anthropomorphism. To the artist, the animal is an individual and a subjectivity; a soul, as all the
ancient Greeks thought. It's a being in its own right. And like those in La Fontaine's fables, Françoise
Cauvin's birds, dogs, cats, and mice take on human form, embrace, dance, or fly.

« I use animals to teach people. »
Jean de La Fontaine
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