Francoise CauvinFrancoise Cauvin



« Essence and existence, imaginary and real, visible and invisible—painting blurs all our categories by unfolding its dreamlike universe of carnal essences, efficient resemblances, and silent significations. »
Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Françoise Cauvin did not use to give herself away, nor did she reveal directly what ailed her. If there is pain, it is mocked, or it becomes a struggle that is treated with a touch of violence or harshness. Flowers turn into the Flowers of evil. The loving mother is nothing but pure oppression, the loving couple went back on the warpath, the quartered animal turns out to be comical... Colors darkened, Black enters with a bang... But sometimes, a landscape is blessed with a touch of melancholy. And a sketched portrait strikes us with its sheer delicacy...

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Françoise Cauvin

Acrylic by Françoise Cauvin-Monet

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Françoise Cauvin
by Françoise Cauvin-Monet



Acrylic on paper
by Françoise Cauvin-Monet


« One must begin by feeling what one wants to express. »
Vincent Van Gogh