Francoise CauvinFrancoise Cauvin


the work of a life, highlighted...

Like many artists, Françoise Cauvin was not interrested in promotting her work. Drawing, painting, imagining, creating... were her only concerns.
One day, in a spirit of sharing, her daughter decided to bring her artistic life to light.

Three exhibitions took place in 2023 to discover the world of the artist :


- the first "Léon Monet, frère de l'artiste et collectionneur" at the Musée du Luxembourg, covered the whole world of a family of artists and outstanding personalities, 
March 15 to July 16, 2023 (exhibition closed))

- the second, " Bestiary and abstractions of Françoise Cauvin ", took place last may in Paris, a few meters away from the Musée du Luxembourg.
from May 10 to 21, 2023 (exhibition closed))

- for the third, " Françoise Cauvin (1926-2017) ", was held in Rouen - the stronghold of the Monet family – where we exhibited her abstract and figurative works for a month in a very old street of Rouen, the ancient Gallo-roman cardo.
from June 15 to July 15, 2023 (exhibition closed))

The future events will be announced on this site or via email if you wish to receive invitations by sending an email to :

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« When you look, never think about what the painting (or anything in this world) “should be”, or what many people would like it to be only. Painting can be anything. It can be a burst of sunlight in a storm. It can be a storm cloud. It can be a person's step on the path of life, or, why not ? a foot striking the ground to say “enough”. It can be the soft and hopeful air of early morning, or the sour smell that comes from a prison. The bloodstains of a wound, or the song of an entire people in the blue or yellow sky. It can be what we are, what is today, now, what will always be. I invite you to play, to look carefully...
I invite you to think. »
Antoni Tàpies

The couple,
by Françoise Cauvin-Monet

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