Francoise CauvinFrancoise Cauvin



« Artwork is an idea exaggerated. »
André Gide

Under the scales of the fish, at the end of a stem, a face appears. A cat turns the pages of a book to pass the time. Bird or butler? Winged ant or lady? Who knows? A Pink Dog, why not? Everything is mixed, and all things are at their very places.

Françoise Cauvin does not restrict herself. It is certainly a very important characteristic of her entire work. It is also a legacy of her forebears. Gustave Geffroy said about Monet that he never was uninspired. That he never was searching for subjects, but thought that there were too many, that all that existed was beautiful and had to be painted. In the same way, Françoise Cauvin does not reject any subject, nor even her very personal way of depicting them.

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Françoise Cauvin

Acrylic by Françoise Cauvin-Monet

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Françoise Cauvin
Drawing by Françoise Cauvin-Monet

Private collection


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